We are an independent company specialized in handling corporate & commercial insurance claims and loss adjusting services all over Italy.
LANS offer flexible, innovative solutions and suitable resources, in support of insurers, brokers, bankers, corporate companies, self-insureds to face and manage casualties, damages, risks in insurance and financial sectors.
Consultancies and training/tutoring courses are available as well, focusing on updating services, skills, working patterns, tools, technologies for improving efficiency, quality, effectiveness of processes.
Performing on a partnership basis is essential for restoring, and LANS is your unique partner in Italy.
Assisting large companies
and self-insureds
LANS can assist large companies in designing and handling standardized processes related to damages, claims, risks for all corporate dependencies, all over the country.
In the highly segmented world of TPA, we can provide or implement solutions/definite schedules to control losses and manage risks on behalf of self-insureds.
Risk & damage preventive assessment
Investigating economic consequences of an obligation, or business accident, often calls for consultancy services, aimed to mitigating exposition, risks, losses, asset damages, and safeguarding clients’ crucial interests.
Therefore, choose LANS consulting services to design and handle corporate policies in an informed way.
Incendio OVH: L’importanza di essere data-previdente
Immagine di copertina: Wired.it La notizia allarmante dell'incendio dei datacenter
Nota del consiglio di amministrazione, febbraio 2021
Nel difficile momento che stiamo vivendo, i soci e il
Marcello Bartolomeo conclude la sua esperienza in Lans
Marcello Bartolomeo conclude la sua esperienza in Lans. L’AD della