About us

Experience, competence, integrity and enthusiasm. Those are the values of the “Corbelli & Sammarini” team since the early nineties. Thanks to these values we are a reference provider for leading insurance companies, banks and financial institutions in Italy and abroad.

Territorial Coverage
Corbelli & Sammarini ensure total coverage in Bologna area and in Eastern Emilia, Romagna, Northern Marche, San Marino Republic.

Offices and service locations

Located in Rimini e Bologna.

Technical staff

10 engineers, surveyors, technicians with long-standing experience in the field.

Quality Control & Back Office

2 employees for all administrative needs.

Corbelli & Sammarini provide insurance claims services also through a large network of specialized companies, repairers, maintenance companies, artisans and professionals, operating in covered areas.
For major or CAT events, we collaborate anywhere, in Italy and abroad, with partners of LANS LANS membersand their networks.

Strengths & Expertise

Corbelli & Sammarini expertise was consolidated through an average of about 4,000 damage assessments per year, concerning in particular the following sectors:


A1 – Property

A2 – Public Liability

A7 – Environmental Pollution



B2 – Crime


C1 – Traditional Adjusting

C2 – Compensation

C3 – Video Inspections

We carried out many major tasks, also with CAT / NAT relevance, following hailstorms, snowstorm, floods, earthquakes, or negligence and errors.

Company character

External professionals, such as agronomists, industrial experts, chemists, lawyers, accountants, selected according to needs for major claims, or CAT / NAT relevance jobs.

Our approach

How we work

We are used to approach issues from the following angles:

• Fostering a global mindset and international exchanges

• Cooperating with anyone to achieve the best results

• Inspiring people to be confident and take action

• Respecting both client’s requirements and technical rules for best quality outcome

• Acknowledging our responsibility and how every contribution matter

• Promoting associationism among industry professionals


S.A. Corbelli & Sammarini
Via Marecchiese, 166
47922 Rimini

Tel: +39 0541 207025
Fax: +39 0541 207025
e-mail: segreteria@ingrita.com